Life Acoustic

I’m starting another project, you might say, an extention of this one.  I’ve decided that certain things in my life that once made my soul soar have gotten thrown to the wayside for more responsible, dull, day-to-day things.  Photography is one of these in addition to writing. 

Part of me is ready to open back up again.  I shut down my very public blog more than six months ago and haven’t ever regretted doing so.  But I still read many of my favorite blogs – those whose writing and photographs have inspiried me in so many ways.  By closing comments and being totally anonomyous, I have removed myself in sense from the community.   It was necessary at the time but I think now I’m ready to come back.  Maybe not completely, maybe not as <my first name> <my last name> with every detail of my damn life spread for anyone who has access to a Google search engine.  But maybe with a pseudonym.

I’ve decided to title this new venture Life Acoustic – as it will be both my words and photographs and essentially pieces of my life that I’d like to display more creatively. 

So, to those of you who still read (and I’m surprised there are still so many), thanks for sticking around.  Another chapter is just around the corner – stay tuned.